If you’d like to know more about being a part of a homegroup get in touch. Click here

Homegroups are open to all and consist of small groups which meet in homes for prayer, Bible study, support and encouragement. We also encourage groups to try to reach out to their local communities.

While groups can meet as regularly as they wish, they formally meet in homes every fortnight. On alternate weeks, they come together to meet in the church building for Bible study and prayer.

If you are not already in a Homegroup, you’re most welcome to join one! It’s a great way to get to know people in the church better. The groups are generally around 8-12 people and most prefer to go to the one which is closest to where they live. 

We also have a zoom homegroup available for those that need it.

Where & When

Times and locations vary. Please speak to one of the Pastors for more information.